Remarks on the ending of TPS

Here at Morton Law, PLLC, we are proud to share the views from members of our legal team as they address, and thoughtfully challenge, certain immigration changes with facts and legal research. As such, this month’s blog will center around the legal immigration benefit known as “Temporary Protective Status.” A popular voice on the extreme […]


Rescission of DACA

Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the rescission of DACA (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). In collaboration, Active Secretary of Homeland Security Duke issued a new memorandum delineating the unwinding process of DACA. Pursuant to the memo, the following information is EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: 1. If you do not have DACA, or do not have a […]


Summation of the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders & Enforcement

Since the Trump administration, several Executive Orders (EO) have been issued affecting immigrants and their rights. The EO which has drawn the most attention is titled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” and is most commonly known as the Muslim and Refugee ban. Deserving of the spotlight it has received, […]